The windmill is almost down -- the progress of HB 3079

I have some very, very good news to share. Yesterday afternoon, the IL Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to approve HB 3079! We are almost there everyone! Thanks to everyone's phone calls and emails the laws governing IL adoption could very well change for the better. As this has been tried before and failed, this is a significant accomplishment.

Even better, the full senate could hear the next reading of the bill and vote on it as early as tomorrow. This doesn't give us much time to educate the rest of the senate on the importance of this bill as well as share one more time past abuses of the position of Intercountry Adoption Coordinator and the resulting lost time with our children. We are almost there people, we all need to squeeze out of few minutes of our afternoon to pick up the phone and open our email. (And if you saved you previous letters, then it will be even easier.)

Step 1: Figure out (if you don't already know) who your IL state senator is. To do this, you will also need ot know your district. Use this District Locator if you are not sure. Once you know your district, it is easy to find your senator on the Senate Contact List. You may have to do a little digging to find the email address, but I have been very successful with doing a quick internet search.

Step 2: Phone your senator and say how much you support the passing of HB 3079, if the person answering the phone lets you, you can mention the reasons why. (I list them in a past post if you still feel fuzzy about them.)

Step 3: If you have another minute or two in your afternoon, send an email to your senator as well.

Step 4: Share this with as many other people as possible so that we are contacting as broad a range of senators as possible.

Hang in there, if all goes well, this will be the last time that we need to make these phone calls and write these emails. (Unless of you course you want to call/write to thank the legislators for their work after the bill passes... I think it would be a nice touch.)

Ready... Set... Phone!


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