A new favorite from the library

I've written quite a bit on the idea of storytelling and using stories to make sense of one's life. To catch-up, you can go back and read some of these posts.

Story Telling
How Pictures Work, and
A Book Report

If you don't feel like clicking and catching up, the gist of these posts is that stories help us make sense of our lives and that by learning to change our stories, it gives up a sense of control instead of feeling helpless. I'm sure all of us at some point have felt helpless in the face of current circumstances and being able to reframe the events of our lives can go a long way towards helping us through these crises.

Children can experience and practice these skills through play and story telling. Stories, and especially fairy tales, can give practice with facing and overcoming scary things. I think this is why I particularly love children's picture books which give children a hint as to how to do this. All of this is lead up to sharing one of our library books with you.

Have you heard of Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein? It has become a new favorite around here. The story is pretty straight forward... a father rooster is putting his little chick to bed and she wants a bedtime story. He agrees, but only if the little chicken won't interrupt. As he begins each fairy tale, the little chicken interrupts with words or warning (or common sense) to the main characters in each story and saves them all from unpleasant endings. At the end of the story, when the father has run out of fairy tales, he encourages his little chick to write her own story. L. was particularly taken with the ending, proclaiming, "Hey, that's just like me. I write stories!"

Check it out. It's both a fun story to share together and a great discussion starter. Plus, it might even encourage a young author in your family.


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