Sisters, sisters

I've had a couple of people comment on the similarities between H. and Tina (boy, she needs an initial!). Take a look at this.

This is H. and A. when we were in Guangzhou. Look how little she is! 

This is Tina
Now some people (cough, cough, Mom), see a real resemblance. I see one as well, but I'm not sure if it significant enough to mean anything. (I'm also the one who really doesn't think G. and L. look identical.) But the girls are from the same province and linear nevus sebaceous syndrome does have the odd quirk about it that it can run in families. J., the realistic, points out that the province has 83 million people in it.

I think we can file this under interesting facts.
Another article is up... Adoption and Young Adult Fiction - Part 2 of 2  (These are for my paying gig... every click and share helps.)


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