Funny little girls

We are forever laughing at the thing G. and L. say and do. (If you are not a fan of hearing other people talk about the cute things their children do, now's your chance to escape. You've been forewarned.) Last week, I took the six youngest children down to the Field Museum because D. and TM were signed-up for a pottery class. That meant for two hours I walked around the museum with just G., L., K., and H. It was a rare treat to have just the four youngest, though I did spend a lot of time searching for children who weren't there. Four just didn't seem quite enough children to keep track of. We had a lot of fun and spent a lot of time looking at the animal displays. They were also just cracking me up.  Some examples:

L. turning after staring at fish display for a while, "Mrs. H-, Did you know that G., HG3, and I have laser eyes? It's because we're super heroes."

G., after putting her hand on the metal cast of a gorilla hand, "Apparently, my hand is smaller than his."

L., after walking by the pyramid in the Egyptian section, "The pyramids were builded by aliens." (Trust me, I didn't teach her that. When J. asked her if the pyramids were built by aliens at dinner time, she gives him a look that says, 'parents can be so clueless' and replies, "Noooo!")

K., as we were walking through the Egyptian part where there are some mummies, "Are these real mummies?" When I reply yes, he then announces, "At night the mummies wake up and scare everyone in the museum." (And no, I didn't teach him that, either. Where do these children go to school?)

Someone, it might have been K., was heard to announce that, "We saw a lot of animals. Sometimes they move, but today they didn't."

They keep us laughing. Yesterday, M. was letting G. and L. play in her room while she was working on her computer when she hears, "G., let's play worm!" M. turns around to see two little girls flopping around on the floor in an imitation of their version of a worm. The game then switched to playing roly-poly, where they curled up into balls.

Nothing wrong with their imagination (or vocabulary). When children are safe and loved and given room and time to play, this type of imagination is a natural thing.


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