Hug your loved ones

I'm going to a funeral this morning for a friend who was just a few years older than I. One moment she was fixing dinner, the next she had a massive stroke from which she never recovered. I knew her when we were both homeschooling our oldest and the girls are still friends. I am still a little bit in shock over the suddenness of it. But since death always catches us by surprise, even when we are expecting it, I suppose that is not unusual.

We just don't know, do we, what the next year, month, day, moment will bring? Be careful with your moments. Be careful with your good-byes. Appreciate the time you do have.

Since it has been a while since I have badgered you about little Lena, I'm going to tie her story into this post. You remember her, right?

The adorable little girl who has already over come huge odds to survive? Whose heart may or may not be able to be repaired, but certainly not in her country? Whose file has been sent back to the shared list which means no agency is advocating for her? (The shared list, for those who don't know, is the giant list of children who are available for adoption in China. It is literally thousands of names long. A list of a name, a birth date, and a special need.)

I know she waits because she may not live. There are not many parents willing to go to the effort an adoption requires, to put their hearts on the line, and adopt a child who may die before she is grown. (I know there are parents out there who are willing to do this. I'm friends with a few. There are just not enough.) But you know what? We kid ourselves that we have any guarantees for any of our children, because we just don't know. Is our fear really a good excuse to deny a child the love of a family... especially when that child needs it the most?

If you contact New Day, they can give you more information about little Lena... and help you get started in the process of adoption.

And give your loved ones an extra hug today, because you just don't know.


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