Visions of sunny days dance through their heads.

It's a balmy 8 degrees in Chicagoland and we received yet more snow overnight. I know I can't start moaning about it yet because it's only the middle of January and we still have a couple more months of winter to get through. The housebound children and dog, though may not make it to the end. Or maybe just their parents won't make it to the end. All that to say it's been a more winter-y winter than we've had recently.

This is why my parents' Christmas gift to all of us is so very well-timed. They are helping us to make the trek to Arizona in March, over J's, M's, and B's spring break. WooHoo! (And of course, the only reason I'm telling you about it in advance is because we have a house/dog sitter for Gretel while we're gone.) The big trip is only 6 weeks away and it's pretty much all anyone talks about. G. and L. have even gone so far as to pack their knapsacks. At the rate they're going, I will never be able to find anything when it comes time to actually pack.

Of course, we have an eventful six week before that point. H. has the first skin expansion surgery in February which feels like a huge hurdle, and one I need to get through before I can really embrace pre-trip enthusiasm. For those of you who will be seeing her (H., that is), know that I have yet to tell her about the surgery. I am putting that off as long as possible. I think I am dreading this one the most because it will involve the unaffected side of her face. I just know she is not going to be thrilled with them messing with the part of her face that she likes. I know I'm not.

I should also spend some time looking at the warm weather wardrobes of those children who have grown significantly over the fall. I don't want to come up to two days before the trip and discover that there are five children who have no warm weather clothes. It does feel a bit silly to even be thinking about it when it is below freezing outside.

Six weeks seems about right for preparing 15 people to travel across the country. Sometimes I fear it is not quite enough time... there are a lot of details to plan and a lot to prepare. But it does provide a pleasant distraction when the weather is frightful.

Can you tell I really didn't have anything to write about today? Please, send prompts or questions! Some days I just sit and sit and sit and stare and stare and stare at a blank screen wondering what I should dither about. Help!

And one more self-serving, slightly self-embarrassed announcement. For anyone in the Phoenix area who is in a church group or adoption group looking for a speaker, I will have a little free time while I'm there. I thought I'd throw it out there since it's an area of the country where I'm not normally,


asian~treasures said…
While we don't have snow, it's been unusually cold here. If it's going to be this cold, it really should just snow on us, in my opinion.

I do have a you use anything for Scripture memoryfor you kiddos? We're stepping that up in our home & was jusr curious.
Lucy said…
How about live blogging a couple days during a week? And any ideas for keeping energetic kids tired and happy when they are stuck inside would be great too :-)

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