Christmas 2013

I would have had this post up much earlier, but it's difficult to keep up a blog when your laptop is broken. When we turn it on, we don't even get the blue screen of death, we just get nothin'. It is currently in the laptop hospital where they can hopefully restore it to the marginal existence it had enjoyed before.

But never fear, I am on J.'s laptop and can still share pictures with you. The only ones I cannot show you are from A.'s little ski adventure because they are in my email account. I love technology.

Here are some photos from Christmas Eve. First off, a picture of everyone all together before we headed out to church to do the pageant. Do you see? No one is crying, nearly everyone is looking straight at the camera, and a majority are even looking happy. It's my own little Christmas miracle. (Gretel is in her crate because we finished the picture and put on coats to walk out the door. Plus, she just makes things that much crazier.)

Every year we sing Happy Birthday to You to Jesus. It is His birthday, after all. This year A. made the cake. (Would you think badly of me if I admitted that after being terribly concerned that A. was hurt, one of the next thoughts that ran through my head was, "Oh drat, now I have to make the cake.") She wasn't and I didn't. TM helped her with the decorations. If anyone local needs a fancy cake, she would really like to start a small business. Hint. Hint.

 These are just a couple of pictures of the dinner aftermath. Most people have left the tables and the tables are not looking quite so pretty as before we sat down. I forgot to take a before picture. This is the children's table...

 and the adult table.

I am very happy to report that Gretel is growing up a little bit and her manners are improving. She was a pretty good dog for the evening, but it did tire her out.

Since I'm on a roll, how about pictures from Christmas Day as well? Everyone waits upstairs on Christmas morning and then lines up to come down. Here are a couple of everyone in new Christmas jammies coming down the stairs.

Stockings come next.

The little girls had bags which matched the t-shirts I made them. Can you guess who is who based on the bag they each are holding?

Gretel had a toy as well. It was (note the correct use of the verb) was fleece chew toy. She loved it and rolled and played in the front hall with it for quite a while. It lasted the entire day which was about 6 hours longer than I was expecting.

Breakfast comes next with the lighting of the Christ candle.

After breakfast we move on to present opening. I'm pretty sure you don't want to see all 20 pictures, so here are a token few. A rare picture of me...

B. drew H.'s name for the sibling gift exchange and made her a sock monkey.

M. drew K. and made him this cool helmet out of cardboard. She had won the kit in a giveaway that Ikat Bag had and it is very cool.

We are continuing to enjoy our vacation... playing games, watching movies, visiting friends. We played all of our new games today and they are great. I will probably share them with you tomorrow... if I have a computer available.


MamaPPod said…
Note to B: the sock monkey turned out fabulously well! Mrs Mueller is quite impressed with his skills!

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