Phase two

We just got back from the plastic surgeon's. (H's appointment this time. This fall I have been there every month... at least... just with different children.) He is really pleased with how everything is healing and assured me that even the little areas I was concerned about are doing just fine. We even get to stop the scar massage except by her mouth. H. will be thrilled.

As a result, the surgeon is on to thinking about the next step which is to remove the nevi on her forehead. This is slightly more complicated than it sounds because it is a two-step process. The first is to insert an expander under the good skin on the other side of her forehead, gradually expand it by filling the expander with fluid once a week through a port which will be under her hairline. Then, three months later have surgery to remove the expanders, cut out the nevi, shave some bone down, and stretch the new skin over it all. She will need two expanders, one for her forehead and one one the side of her head so that he can remove some dicey skin under her hair at the hairline and crown of the left side. I'm sure it will make a dramatic difference, but the process sounds less than fun.

We now need to sit down with our calendars and the doctor's scheduler to find a three month block that works for all of us. He is thinking sooner rather than later since she has healed so well from her surgery last April. I have no hesitation about this surgery, though. The rough, dark skin on her forehead has always bothered her and even more so now that her cheek is a bit more regular. Even at just a couple of days post-op last April, she pointed to her forehead and wanted to know when that was getting fixed.

Never a dull moment around here, huh?


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