A little bit of this and a little bit of that

I'm going to be spending my morning baking dozens and dozens of rolls for Thanksgiving dinner, so you get a little bit of this and a little bit of that before the frenzy begins. 

Yesterday was one of those terribly nice days where everyone is fairly regulated and we received visits from many people we love. M. and B. stopped by after church so we got to see both of them. M. spent the day, but B. had to head back to school because he had to see a show for a class. We were also joined by P21 who stayed to help make pecan pies. 

So, we (me, M., P21, and HG) are all baking (or standing around the kitchen watching others bake) when P21 spies a pomegranate sitting on my counter. She says, "Hey! Can I seed this for you? I can do it in under 2 minutes." We all express gratitude that she would seed the pomegranate (we all love pomegranates, but do NOT enjoy seeding them) and amazement that she thinks she can do it so quickly. Well, some quick work with a knife, bowl, and wooden spoon and the pomegranate seeds are sitting happily in the bowl. It was quick, easy, and looked terribly therapeutic as it involves whacking the pomegranate repeatedly with the wooden spoon. There will be many more pomegranates in our future now that we have figured out the seeding issue. 

You are all dying to see this in action, aren't you? I did the Google search for you (you're welcome) and here it is: Deseed a pomegranate in 10 seconds using a wooden spoon on Lifehacker.

The other thing I got to do yesterday was to do a little sewing. Here is the dress I finished for HGbaby to wear for Thanksgiving and Christmas:

It's a little big, but she should get a lot of months of wear out of it. Plus, I was able to make it completely from my stash... even the zipper. I love that.

There was velveteen piping (it matches the collar) that I made...

and I used my super-cool sewing machine to add a row of little hearts around the bottom. (I don't think I've thanked my parents this month for the super-cool sewing machine, so THANK YOU. Best. Toy. Ever.)

Now., off to bake...


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