I'm surrounded by suitcases and piles of laundry

We got back late last night from a five day trip up to J.'s aunt's and uncle's summer house in Michigan. I can't say the weather was entirely cooperative, but we had a great time, never the less. I don't have much time this morning... there's the bags of wet laundry that really must be dealt with, not to mention the 35+ pounds of blueberries sitting on my kitchen counter. I'll share some more highlights tomorrow, but in the meantime, here are some pictures of a hike we took in the woods our first morning there.

Hiking up the sandy trail


A brief pause to search in the sand for...

ant lions.

Quite a few people scampered up this hill.

Which turned out to be a little too steep for smaller people to make it down on their own. J. is helping G.

K. did just fine.

L. and B.

B. carrying L. down.

And we ended with a walk along the beach to get back home.


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