Somebody loves you!

It is Valentine's Day today, so we did something different. Instead of working on our book writing, we worked on making valentines instead. First, though, we read the book, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch. It is one of my favorite picture books. It starts out with showing how Mr. Hatch lives... a drab existence that is not shared with anyone, doing the same things day in and day out. Even the colors the pages are done in are grey and drab. And then one day the postman delivers a large box to him. Inside is a large red heart box, filled with chocolate, and a note which says, "Somebody loves you!" Mr. Hatch is transformed at the thought somebody loves him. He begins to talk to people. He offers to help them and do nice things for them. In time Mr. Hatch makes friends with his neighbors and co-workers. As Mr. Hatch becomes more and more integrated into his community, the colors become brighter and brighter. Life is good. And then one day the postman comes back, apologizing, saying he misdelivered a package a while back and did Mr. Hatch still have it. Mr. Hatch does have it, and sadly gives the heart box and the note back to the postman. No one loved him after all. The color drains out of life and Mr. Hatch resumes the drab existence he lived before the package. But this time it is different. This time he has friends and his friends notice something is wrong and seek to figure it out. The postman tells them of the mistaken delivery and Mr. Hatch's friends set to work. The next morning Mr. Hatch wakes up and goes out on his porch as usual. Usual except that he is greeted by his friends. Friends who have organized a party to show just how loved he really is. I always get a little teary at the end whenever I read it.

On a day which is often known for the attitude of what's someone going to do for me, I think it is good to focus on what we can do for someone else. So we made valentines for other people who might need to know someone loved them. They are drying at the moment (much glue was involved), but we will deliver them later today.

Some pictures of the red and pink explosion.

L. (whom A. was helping) and K.

H. and TM

P. was helping G.

H., TM, and A.


L. (Who always makes some fashion statement. Today she decided that leggings with large multi-colored polka dots would go well with this sweater. Definitely not what I had laid out.)

And some of the results. 

I think this is one of G.'s

And a valentine bumblebee by TM who likes nothing more than a good craft.

Of course the pompoms were a hit in general. And what is a panda-loving girl to do when confronted with bags of black and white pompoms, but make a panda?

Everyone wants to be loved, in fact, everyone needs to be loved. Isn't that why the holiday remains popular? Because it is a way for others to tell a person he or she is loved? But it is also a tricky holiday, as greatly detested as it is loved, because what, if like Mr. Hatch, you feel as though no one loves you? If you are that person, please know there is someone who does love you. The Creator of the Universe loves you so much that we humans can barely comprehend it. If you do not feel as though you are loved, ask Him, God, to show you how much He loves you. But be prepared, because He will show you, and often in surprising ways.

And for those of you who do know you are loved, take the time today to reach out to the Mr. Hatches of the world. Be the spark that brings joy and color into a person's life.


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