Writer's block or pre-vacation preoccupation, your pick

So many things I don't want to write about...

Election? No. I don't tend to do political on this blog, and I think we're all a bit weary of it anyway. (I'll be voting this afternoon, though. You vote, too.)

Adoption? No. After talking about it on the radio this morning, I'm all talked out about it for today. Go to the adoption link on the sidebar to find previous posts about it. (There are many.)

Puppy? No, but I'll give you a silly dog picture. The children found the headband on the street and decided that Gretel really needed it. Gretel wasn't so sure.

Sewing? No. We have now entered the season which I refer to as, "The season where you don't ask questions because I won't answer them." Nearly all sewing projects are under wraps for the next couple of months.

Washington D. C.? Well, I don't have a whole lot to say about that, but if you want to give me your top three things to see, I would be happy for the recommendations. (On the plus side, TM has moved on to telling us he doesn't want us to go which is a whole lot better than undirected fear and rage.)

So where does that leave me? In a great big pile of dirty laundry and cluttered counters. All my mental real estate today is taken up with the questions of, "How much laundry do I really need to get done in order to pack for those going somewhere and to give those staying enough clothes?" or "How clean, exactly, does one's house need to be for the house/child sitter to feel comfortable?" and "Can I really get done all that I need to get done in the time allotted in order to get to bed in time to get enough sleep in order to be at the airport in time to catch a 6 AM flight?" (Obviously, writing clear sentences has fallen off the need-to-do list.)

I know the things that need to get done will get done. I know that once we go everyone will be fine and hold it together. (I really hope that's true.) I know I will enjoy the trip. But I have to say the day before any trip is just not my favorite thing.

And that's my blog post for today.

Riveting, I know.


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