Happy (belated) 10th Birthday, TM!

Don't take it personally, but I'm afraid my parents visiting takes precedence over blogging. But I took them to the airport this morning (as well as hosted our history co-op, made a grocery list, and went to the grocery store), so I can get back into the blogging routine.

Yesterday was TM's birthday. (Well, that needs a qualifier for those who are long time readers and might remember that his official birthday is Oct. 31. He has decided that he really, really doesn't like having his birthday on that date, and I can't say that I blame him. Instead, he decided that he would like to move the whole event to Nov. 1. So, official forms aside, that is what it is going to be from now on.)

The day went well. He chose bagels for breakfast instead of our regular doughnuts and for dinner he chose BBQ ribs. Everyone highly approved of his choices. For his desert, he chose a chocolate cheesecake pie, which he helped to make. Here is a picture of how it turned out. (It was as good as it looks in the picture.) What he really wanted were the chocolate curls on top, which I managed to make, though having made them once, it will be much easier to make them again. There are a few things I would do differently.

Of course, true to family form, candles could not be stood in the pie, so they had to be held. A. did the honors.

We then moved to opening presents, the highlight of which was a guitar from Grammy and Grandpa, thus fulfilling a long term wish of TM's to learn to play. Even better, a friend of M.'s is going to come a couple of times of month and give him lessons, since guitar is an instrument which I know very little about. Just look at that smile!

So, Happy Birthday to my dear son. I love you very much. A phrase, I might add, that I can say without reservation or hesitation. You are bright, funny, talented, and it fills me with joy to see the joy you are discovering. God has blessed us indeed by allowing you to be our son.


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