My big little girls

I have no motivation to write today so you get pictures of the little girls. I realized that they have been somewhat lacking recently. No doubt due to the fact that we just take fewer pictures of them. They are rarely still, and when they are still, one or both of them have become rather disreputable looking, so that my first inclination is not to get out the camera. (L. still walks around in various states of undress, sometimes joined by G. And when they are fully clothed, they have often changed their outfits to something "unique" and pulled out whatever hair arrangement might have been put in. There's a whole other blog post in there somewhere about how this would never have occurred with the first few.)

But on Sunday, J. captured these. We looked over to discover that G. was "reading" a comic book to L. It was very sweet. G. is in purple and L. is in orange.

They are just too, too big. I love them. They are wonderful fun. But where, oh where, did my little babies go?


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