Things to click on and look at

I've taught piano (though not to my own children), took a puppy to puppy class, and been to a funeral. It has felt like an emotional roller coaster type of day. I'm not up for writing much, so I'll give you some links and let others write for me.

First off, because I see stats for this blog, I can see which topics get put into search engines and consequently visit my blog. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people out there who want to make wolf and pig masks. Who knew? I bet I see variations of those search terms several times a week. So, for those people who really need to know how to make wolf and pig masks, M. has made a tutorial for you. But you have to head to her Tumblr account (Flying Tadpole Creations) to see them. Here is part one and here is part two. If you click on the photos, it will take you to the written instructions. Even if you don't want to make a mask, you should still head over there because she has put up pictures of a lot of her artwork.

Last, there is something that nearly everyone can do and all it takes is spending a little money every month. Go take a look at Compassion International's sponsor a child listing. (Or you can click the link in my sidebar.) These are children who are living in poverty, but with your help can receive an education and stay in their family and community of origin. They are real children in real need and it is so easy to help. Plus you get something in return... you can have a relationship with one of these children. You can write them letters, send stickers, and enable the Compassion staff to help purchase birthday and Christmas gifts and you will get letters back. If the child is really young, sometimes you will get a drawing from them, like we did from one of our sponsor children when he was little. This is something that takes very little time, money, and effort, but is also something that can have a big impact.


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