A library trip with a large, book-loving family

It was time for another run to the library, but B. is in tech rehearsals all week for his Moliere show this weekend so I couldn't do my normal library run. This would be going after lunch with the middles while leaving G. and L. napping and B. staying at home. (B. likes to take himself to the library on his own.) So I decided that the girls were a bit bigger and I should try a library trip with them again. Plus, it is beautiful outside and would be a wonderful day for a walk.

I know I have mentioned our library trips before and the number of books we check out, but I thought you might like to see it in pictures.  Here we are preparing to head out.

L. on the left, and G. on the right.

D. getting ready to pull the wagon which holds our returns.

The triplets:  TM, D., and H. (I did mention we have virtual triplets now, didn't I?)

At the library. All the books on the table, plus a few more, will be coming home with us.

How it works is, I watch the littles (and H.) while the older children scurry around finding the books they want. They are all adept at using the computer catalogue and asking the librarians for assistance. At one point I noticed K. following along behind a librarian. Under his own volition he had approached her and asked her to help him find books about cars. (I know you're surprised by the topic.)

Then, when everyone has their books, they watch the littles while I go around finding the books I want and the books I think my children would like. This morning, I came back to find them all in the play area. K. had built the letter 'H' on his own and A. helped him add the 'I'.

K. with his 'HI' 


G. (She was moving.)

H. (Yes, I know everyone else is in summer wear... she loves these dresses because they twirl and you can't dissuade her from wearing it.)

After loading all the book into the wagon, we head to the check out desk. (I still think that some of the staff inwardly groan when they see me approach.) Today, we had my friend who is also the head librarian of circulation. (She is also the one who has put a note on my card pretty much allowing me to check out as many books as I want.) Then we head home.

Even though I didn't time it quite right and we arrived well after our normal lunchtime, this is what I saw when I came back downstairs from changing a diaper:

The whole thing worked pretty well, and I think it's how we'll navigate the library this summer. Next time I may pack a lunch for us as well and stop at a park on our way home. That way, the children can dive straight into their books without the hassle of having to eat first.

Oh, and the best, best, best part? TM has discovered the joy of reading and checked out possibly 15 Magic Schoolhouse books. He immediately started reading one when we got home and I had to insist he come to the kitchen an eat lunch even though he wasn't done with it yet. He sat at the table, I put his noodles in front of him with a spoon, and he continued to read while he ate. There were days when I thought I would never see something like that happen.


asian~treasures said…
I so understand about the twirly dress...we have a couple that we nearly have to peel off HoneyGirl so they can be washed.

And, Magic Tree House books...LittleMister is LOVING them, too!
sandwichinwi said…
the hassle of having to eat first! heh heh heh. We have that at our house, too.

Have you seen the Laramie books on the Kindle? I think they are $.99 each and there are 5 or 6. If TM likes westerns and a little humor, (and the privelege of reading on the Kindle) he might like these. Laramie and the Law is the first book.

What size dress is H in? Do you need more of those? I have some I might be able to pass on if you are in need of more (altho I know it's hard to say if she will still love them next fall.)

Anonymous said…
T.M. might also like the Encyclopedia Brown books, by Donald Sobol. I'm sure you're familiar with them already, but if they're off your radar they're a good thing to get back on it!

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