1000th post giveaway

Having alienated my entire blog readership with posts #997, #998, and #999, I will now try to reverse this by dangling the promise of free stuff in front of you. It hardly seems possible that we started this blog almost exactly 6 years ago while we were still a family with 5 children and waiting to bring home TM. To say it's been an eventful six years wouldn't begin to describe it.

In those six years, we have doubled the number of children in our family (including delivering full-term twins at advanced maternal age), traveled overseas three times and spent a total of 8 1/2 weeks in Asia, remodeled a good portion of our house, and have taken children to the doctor more than a couple of times. Also through this blog, I have met virtual friends who have become dear 'real life' friends, discovered I love writing, actually made a little money through that writing, and gained a confidence that I didn't have before. For better or worse, this blog has become a part of who I am.

To celebrate sticking with something for so long, I'm going to throw a little party and give something away. In thinking about what to give away, I knew I wanted it to be useful, something that I think the majority of my audience would be interested in, and not just getting rid of some stuff I have lying around the house. So that ruled out things such as the bag of gravel in the basement, old Boys' Life magazines, and the dead mice in formalyn. (Just kidding, M., I would never give away your dead mice without asking you first.) But what to give?

Well, it had to be a book, didn't it? So I decided to pick a book that I love, that I go back and reread every so often, and one that has proved pivotal in my thinking about homemaking and motherhood. For my 1000th post, I'm going to give away a copy of Edith Schaeffer's The Hidden Art of Homemaking. (And a nice, new one at that!) I love this book. I find Mrs. Schaeffer both encouraging and challenging. Really, if you haven't yet read it, you should.

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment and make sure you leave an email address so I can contact you if you win. And because I have found the book I'm giving away to be an encouragement, and I hope to be an encouragement to others, why don't you tell about a person who has been an encouragement in your life? I'll leave the giveaway open until the end of the month, so you have until the end of April 30th to comment.

We're all friends again, now, right?


asian~treasures said…
: ) And, just for the record, you didn't scare off this reader.


Who has encouraged me? My mom, my adoptive mom, to be exact. She married our family when us kids were 3, 5 & 7. She was our step-mom then. She adopted us at ages 11, 13 & 15...a handful of months after our dad died. She's walked through a cancer diagnosis 3 times & her love for her Lord & her family is more than evident.

Happy 1000th post!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I have LOVED following (stalking) your life from afar. Your writings have encouraged and inspired me in many ways. Thanks for opening yourself up to us all.

So, other than YOU, my husband has been my #1 encourager to be all that God has made me to be. So much I could say....

Joy said…
Hmm, I have a good friend who is wholly supportive and encouraging without sugar-coating or minimizing - I find her input regarding parenting, etc., so valuable, and find her words validating. My husband supports in so many practical ways as well, which makes me thankful.

Molly said…
My mom is the most encouraging person I know. She is always there to listen, or give advice, or be an extra set of hands even though she lives a 5 hour drive away. I couldn't do what I do with out her.
Also my husband's uncle sends out a weekly letter every friday, telling of the family news, and encouraging us. Sometimes it is with messages about slowing down and taking time to enjoy life, or maybe giving to others, or supporting your spouse. It is an encouraging and uplifting way to begin the weekend. It keeps that whole side of the family engaged more.

I love you blog!
Molly (mollykater@hotmail.com)
Sharon said…
By the way I loved your posts about adoption! Such great wisdom and truth in your words! Thank you for writing them!

Someone who has been an amazing encouragement in my life is my Pastor Perry Noble. Because of him our church is an amazing place to be encouraged and I have grown so much ever since I've started going there.

Blessings, Sharon

Amy said…
I love a book give away. I certainly wasn't scared off by your posts since you were preaching to the choir with me.

My Mom has been a great encourager to me. Some authors who have encouraged me are Karen Andreola, Robin Sampson, and John Eldredge.

Michelle said…
I was NOT discouraged by your previous 3 posts... we share the same heart for the orphan - the Lord's heart.
I just wish sometimes I could speak these things so eloquently on my own blog (=
Thanks for this book giveaway!
Diana said…
I have been encouraged in my walk with the Lord by some friends of mine. They encourage me to step out in faith and follow what God is teaching me.

I don't have any kids but am encouraged when I read your blog!
sandwichinwi said…
I have been encouraged over and over by all you adoptive moms out there who blog and share and aren't afraid to be real about the hard stuff.

Congrats on your 1000th post!!

You have my email.

Carla said…
Boy, it's tough to pick just one person who has been an encouragement. There are so many!! As I begin this journey of motherhood (#1 is 5 months old), a good friend and sister-in-Christ has been a great blessing to me. She's "been through the fire" of mothering and is so much more helpful than those women who have perfect children. =)

Congratulations on making it to 1000 posts!

jan said…
long time reader :)

my sister is my biggest encourager. she homeschooled her kids way before it was mainstream. she loves me unconditionally. she gets me :)

Anonymous said…
Your posts encouraged me! To me, they were convicting rather than off-putting.
Lately I've been encouraged by a mom's group at our church. For a new mom, the wisdom of more experienced moms is priceless.

Evelyn--awhimsicaljourney at gmail dot com
Stefanie Krueger said…
I must also name Mother as the best encourager....and the proof is when telling her that baby 9 is coming, she jumps for joy!
Your blog is encouraging. I have learned so much about God's perspective on adoption. Thank you.
Stefanie Krueger
Kath said…
My husband is my biggest encourager :-) In fact, one of the nicest perks of marriage is the solid knowledge that you always have someone in your corner.

ktolma at yahoo dot com
Kristin Mueller said…
This reader is not feeling alienated...rather the opposite as I've been glad to be challenged!

My email would be my church email--you've got it, I believe.

Who has been an encouragement in my life? So many!! I think in this season of life it's been 2 other moms at church, one of whom just had a baby and one of whom is expecting. Having never been pregnant before, it's really nice to have a couple of people who are tracking with me week-by-week, and can give advice for all the weird problems that come up. I'm thankful for those moms, as I'm finding them to be full of wisdom!
Shonya said…
Congratulations on your 1000th post! I was greatly encouraged this weekend by a young mom of two (one bio, one adopted) who has such a sincere desire to follow and serve the Lord.
susieloulou said…
Pick me! Pick me!
I mean, I just love your blog! I think I read every word :-)
I know Elisabeth Elliot has been an encouragement to me, although I'm sure I have some real life ones as well that escape me at the minute.
I hope you have my email because I'm signed in to Google? If not, pick someone else - ha ha!

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