College work

M. came home briefly last night so that she could see the one acts which B. was in.  (B., by the way, did an excellent job.  I am always amazed when I watch my children on stage at their comfort at being there and their ability to transform into someone else.  Blaine will be in You Can't Take it With You the last weekend of March.  Block it out now... but I"m sure I'll send more than a couple reminders.)  M. also dropped off one of her completed (and graded) projects which she did for her theater production class.  I thought it was so cool that I asked her permission to share it with you.

The assignment was to create a stage set for a fable.  Her fable required a small bedroom and a garden.  When you look at the pictures, you need to know that this is tiny.  The scale is 1/4 inch to a foot.  She also had to create the stage itself.

First the bedroom:

Then the bedroom is removed and behind it is a beautiful garden:

(Sorry, M., I took out one figure, but didn't notice the second until I was doing these pictures.  At least he's face down.)

Pretty amazing, huh?  It's even more impressive when you can visualize just how small it is.  Here is the theater from the top:

And here it is with a standard size trade hardcover standing next to it for comparison:

I think all the running around we did the day before Thanksgiving looking for craft supplies paid off.


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