Happy 11th birthday, P.!

Today is P.'s birthday and we will be celebrating with a family party tonight.  And I don't have to bake.  True to form, P. has chosen vanilla ice cream as her birthday dessert.  (She's just not a dessert kind of girl.)  She also picked steak salad for her birthday dinner, so a pretty easy celebration from my end of things.

I think this next year holds great things for my P.  As one of my children who often needs super-titles above her head to clue us into what she is thinking, it's not always easy to guess at what is going on in that pretty head of hers.  But we have started to see some real maturity happening and I think she is starting to grow into herself.  She has some activities she is excited about that she is involved in for the coming year and thanks to our block party, has discovered a girl friend around the corner.  They have hit is off quite well.  While she has two very good friends who are boys, having a friend who is a girl and whom she can have sleepovers with has been a constant desire.  I'm very excited to see what she does and how she grows this year.

So, I love you very, very much my dear daughter.  You are beautiful and talented and I am very proud of you.   Happy birthday!
For those of you who haven't noticed it, I put a new page up at the top of the blog marked 'recipes'.  This way it will be easier to find the specific recipe you (and you know who you are) are looking for.


Unknown said…
Happy 11th Birthday P!
asian~treasures said…
Happy Happy Birthday, P!!

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