Fresh strawberry pie

Four birthdays down and one to go.  When I made D.'s strawberry birthday pie yesterday, I was reminded how much I love this recipe.  So, I thought I would share it with you.  This is a recipe from my mother-in-law, who got it from a college friend of hers, who got it from her mother, who took it out of 1956 issue of  a Ladies' Home Journal.  (As a complete aside, I love family recipes that include a story...who it was from, who loved it, when it was always made.  I try to make notes in my cookbooks and recipes to help preserve family memories for my children.)

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Prepare and bake a 9" pie shell.  Cool.  Wash and hull 1 1/2 quarts of fresh strawberries.  Reserve best looking half; mash the rest.  To mashed strawberries, add 1 c. sugar and 3 TBSP cornstarch.  Mix well and cook for five minutes, stirring constantly, until thick and clear.  Stir in 2 TBSP lemon juice.  Cool.  Add remaining berries, saving 4 or 5 as garnish.  Pour into pastry shell.  Chill.  Before serving, top with a ruff of whipped cream and garnish with berries.



Anonymous said…
mmmm, that looks really good. And totally do-able too - even for a non-cook like me. I might just have to give it a try sometime this summer! Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, it's easy, except for the whole "prepare a 9" pie crust" part.

Just grumpy b/c mine didn't look that good. I just need to keep practicing Mom's crust.


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