Yoo Hoo...

is anybody there? I really don't mind if no one comments, but it's nice to know if other people are reading. Oh well, I'll just go on talking to myself...it's not as though I don't do it all the time anyway.

The biggest news around here is that A. got her hair cut. She was able to donate 10 inches of ponytail to Locks of Love. Here's the new 'do:

I really think it's cute, though it makes her look a lot older. She is very happy with it and it is still long enough that she can change her hairstyle every couple of hours just like she did with the longer hair. P. is now waging a campaign to get her haircut as well. I'm not sure I'm ready for that considering she just had her very first haircut a year ago. Perhaps we'll make a 'short haircuts happen at 12' rule around here.


LawMommy said…
She looks very cute. :-)
MamaPPod said…
Oh my word! She looks so cute, but you are right - she does look older (and that is just so wrong!). Definitely make a rule about haircuts...although be careful about them...I accidentally (they tell me) made a rule about getting a second piercing when you are 16. Hmmm...I don't remember that being a hard and fast rule, just a "talk to me when you are 16" rule.
Angie Butcher said…
I enjoy your blog. It's on my blogger feed so I see the posts as soon as you post them. If you enjoy it, then keep on!

The hair is cute. I think it's good to let them do what they want with their hair. Short, long, whatever...
Lego Boy said…
She looks adorable. I love it! Congrats to A. for her determination and generosity!
comemorning said…
her hair looks adorable and i like the organization of things on your sidebar. i love popping in to see what the currys are up to!
Annette said…
I'm here! I don't get a chance to read daily, but I do check in often. Sorry I'm one of those that doesn't comment. I really should too, because sometimes I feel the same way....thinking I'm just talking to myself. :-) Sorry. I'll do better!
sandwichinwi said…
I read you everyday! I do love when you comment on my blog. I should comment more often. I always feel like no one (except probably some creepy stalkers) reads my blog either.

I loved reading about the prawn crackers. The second batch looked really yummy!

jan said…
hi! i faithfully follow you too! we are here even though you can't see us :)

in Christ, jan
susieloulou said…
i read you faithfully - thanks for writing!
asian~treasures said…
I'm here, too! :) Don't reply much, but do enjoy your posts.

Cannot wait to meet you this summer at the VN Family Reunion, too!

Anonymous said…
I read your blog regularly. It is the first one I read. I love it. I also love your insights. I feel the same way about a lot of subjects.

I like the addition of the dinner meal. It inspires me.

In the photo she does look older - I will have to see it in person to see if it continues to hold true. I am so glad she could donate. There is a girl scout patch you earn for this.

- EL

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