Further adventures with prawn crackers

Remember when I accidentally bought the uncooked prawn crackers? Well, encouraged by fellow adoptive mom, April, we (J.) decided to try cooking them. Our (J.'s) first attempt didn't turn out so well. This is what happens when the oil is too hot and the crackers are left in too long:

But we (J.) persevered and kept trying. Here are the results of further attempts:

Much better, huh? It is pretty amazing to watch. These little round disks are put in the hot oil (J. discovered that using a small wire colander lowered into the oil makes it very easy) and in less than 3 seconds they puff up and need to be immediately pulled out. In our (J.'s) defense, the instructions on the package weren't exactly clear:

They were pretty good...nearly everyone enjoyed eating them. Here is TM enjoying one of his favorite snacks:

And because they're cute and I haven't posted about them much recently, here is a short video of the babies. G. loves to talk and talk, though is a bit soft spoken, especially when compared with the louder L. and K. (in the background). They were being fed some dinner, so are a little on the messy side.

Oh, I also wanted to mention the new addition to my sidebar. How one goes about feeding so many people on a regular basis is one of the most common questions I get. I thought some people might be interested in what our dinner menu looks like. Plus, if anyone is like me, sometimes when it's time to make the weekly menu list, I feel as though I completely forget everything I know how to cook. Looking at other people's menus often helps me to make my own.


Anonymous said…
I like your menu list. I'll have to take a look at that from time to time. I feel like I make the same stuff again and again, and I can never think of other SIMPLE things to make.
Anonymous said…
I like your menu list. I'll have to take a look at that from time to time. I feel like I make the same stuff again and again, and I can never think of other SIMPLE things to make.

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