The wonderful world of email
I have Luddite tendencies and only use technology when it suits my purposes. Unlike some 17 year old girls in my house, I'm not going to ooh and ahh over the latest techno-gadget. But, then something like what happened this morning occurs, and I am oh so thankful that the internet and email exist. As I mentioned in a previous post, TM has been going through a rough patch with grieving some of his losses. In an effort to be sure the pictures he had drawn for his foster family reached them, I emailed Holt International, our adoption agency, and explained what I was looking for and why. I was really just seeking confirmation that Holt still knew where the foster family was and that they had a way to deliver communication. While I received this confirmation, I received something else as well. When I opened my inbox, there were three emails from Holt with 7 pictures attached. We have new pictures of the foster family, and some of them include the foster parents standing with a large poster they had made of all the photos I have sent them of TM over the years. We also have some more information that we didn't have before plus a couple of pictures of little TM which we had never seen. I'm tearing up again just writing about it. And on top of all that, as if it weren't enough, we have a letter from the VN social worker saying the foster family is going to write a letter to TM. As you can imagine, TM is beside himself with excitement. In fact, we are all rejoicing with TM today.
It's been quite the day of gifts. Before the incredible emails arrived, I was planning on blogging about this:
My mother sent me a huge box filled with fabric and patterns. So do you think she loves me? I can't wait to sew with them. It's a shame my family wants to eat everyday...otherwise I would be sorely tempted to go shut myself in my bedroom and make cute baby clothes. Thanks, Mom!
It's been quite the day of gifts. Before the incredible emails arrived, I was planning on blogging about this:
that is why I recommend Holt to everyone!