After 4000 miles, 60 hours in the car, 7 states,

4 1/2 books on CD, 2 rounds of 'Found a Peanut', and far more coffee than is good for a person, we have arrived back home from our trip to Arizona. We had a great time, even if the Phoenix weather wasn't entirely cooperative. Everyone, including the babies, travelled well. Though L.'s limit to riding in the car ended at about 6:30 every evening when she felt the need to exercise her lungs for about an hour.

We are spending the day unpacking and enjoying not having to travel anywhere before we begin with our Monday routine tomorrow. And, since all of yesterday was spent driving through the rain, we are also enjoying some sunshine. Once things feel under control here, I'll have pictures to post and another birthday to write about.

It's good to be home.


Ann said…
I was wondering why there was a sudden "radio silence" -- glad you are back safe and sound. you are a brave woman!
The Coys said…
Oh I would love to hear tips on your road trip travel! We are going cross country this summer and I'm constantly thinking of ways to ease the pain already.

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