Works in Progress

J. was gone with B. all weekend on a Boy Scout camp out, so the rest of us here had a quiet weekend at home. I took the opportunity to do some sewing and start some projects that I wanted to work on.

When I came across this pattern for knitted log cabin washcloths, I was consumed with the need to make them. Here is the first one, with the colors I will be using; the blue will be the outer rectangles. Evidently I have difficulties with things that are supposed to be easy. These washcloths are all done in garter stitch, meaning that it is all knitting, no purling needed. Well, yesterday, I was happily knitting away, when I stop and really look at what I've done. I guess I have made too many items in stockinette stitch because without realizing it, that's what I started doing halfway through. I had to stop and unknit (ugh!) back to the garter stitching.

I also worked on some more hats. Here G. is modelling the hat I made to be sure the pattern still fit the babies' heads. I love how this turned out. I guess I will put it away for now. I have fantasies of someday opening an Etsy store. It would be nice to earn a little extra money doing something I enjoy.


These two pictures are of L. 'modelling' her hat. It's not quite done because I need to make and add some ties onto it. Pulling hats off her head has become a wonderful game.


G. makes a better model since she will leave the hat on her head, but I tend to end up with blurry pictures because she moves around so much. Here is her lining and bow; L. has a yellow lining and bow.
I also have some projects that I want to start. A. and P. really want sunhats of their own. But, before I can make them I have to fool around with the pattern and enlarge it to fit them. Then there are the slippers I found in Weekend Sewing that I want to make for them as well since they have outgrown their old slippers. And then there is this small teacup quilt (if you go to the link, scroll down the sidebar) that I want to make. I have become obsessed with the idea of quilting and want to teach myself how.

These girls are a couple of my favorite works in progress. They turn 8 months old today and I have a feeling that they will be crawling before I announce their 9 month birthday. Here they are enjoying their valentines that their Grammy sent them.


Ann said…
I loved our little book club! so nice to talk to you--can't wait to see you this summer and I hope to take you up on your offer for Vu and I to stay at your house :-)

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