Family Lenten devotional

I've had a request for our list of readings that we do for our Lenten devotions, so here it is. As I said before, I used the idea I found in No Ordinary Home (though it's now out of print). I did change it a little. The author of the book found small objects to illustrate each passage, but I found it easier to make them out of Sculpy. In my previous post I placed the ornaments in order, so you should be able to match my description of the ornament with what I made. (Yes, I know sometimes they are difficult to figure out.) We actually do 47 readings, though technically, Lent does not include the Sundays, making it 40 days. So, without further ado...

Day 1: Faith - Matthew 17:20 Set-up branch (I use pussy willow branches, but it could be anything. If you decide to force forsythia branches, know that you will have to untie and retie all the ornaments when the pretty yellow flowers dry up and start to fall off, looking not quite so pretty.)
Day 2: Creation - Gen. 1 Globe
Day 3: The fall - Gen. 3 Apple
Day 4: Noah - Gen. 6-9 (In some of the longer passages, we will often read excerpts if the audience is having difficulty sitting still) Ark
Day 5: Tower of Babel - Gen. 11:1-8 Ziggerat (sort of)
Day 6: Abraham and Sarah - Gen. 12 Tree (Oak at Shechem)
Day 7: Abraham and Isaac - Gen. 22 Ram
Day 8: Jacob and Esau - Gen. 27 Twins
Day 9: Jacob's ladder - Gen. 28 Ladder
Day 10: Joseph - Gen. 37 Coat of many colors
Day 11: Joseph reunited with his brothers - Gen. 43:9 - Gen. 45:15 Silver cup
Day 12: Moses - Ex. 3 Burning bush (Yes, go ahead and laugh at my attempt, my children do, it's part of the tradition)
Day 13: Passover - Ex. 12 Door frame with blood
Day 14: Ten Commandments - Ex. 20 Tablets
Day 15: Joshua and Jericho - Joshua 5:13 - 6:27 Trumpet
Day 16: Israel desires a king - 1 Sam. 8 Crown
Day 17: Samuel anoints David - 1 Sam. 16 Ram's horn
Day 18: David and Goliath - 1 Sam. 17 Slingshot
Day 19: David as Musician - Psalm 8 Harp
Day 20: Solomon - 1 Kings 7 - 9 Temple
Day 21: Jonah - Jonah Whale
Day 22: Enslavement - 2 Kings 25 Chain
Day 23: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - Daniel 3 Fiery furnace
Day 24: Daniel and the lions - Daniel 6 Lion
Day 25: Rebuilding the wall - Neh. 2 wall
Day 26: 400 years of silence - period between testaments scroll with lock
Day 27: Annunciation - Luke 1 Angel
Day 28: Birth of Jesus - Luke 2 Manger
Day 29: Boyhood in Egypt - Matt. 2/Luke 2 Pyramid
Day 30: Baptism - Luke 3 Dove
Day 31: Temptation - Luke 4 Snake
Day 32: First miracle - John 2 Wine barrel
Day 33: Sermon on the mount - Matt. 5-7 Candle
Day 34: Do not worry - Matt. 6:26-34 Lily
Day 35: Feeding the 5000 - Matt. 14:13-21 Basket with loaves and fish
Day 36: Walking on water - Matt. 14:22-36 Waves
Day 37: Rich young ruler - Matt. 19:13-30 Needle
Day 38: Woman at the well - John 4 Well
Day 39: Raising of Lazarus - John 11 figure wrapped in cloth
Day 40: Palm Sunday - Matt. 21 Palm branch (Note that I made a date palm frond and not a fan palm branch.)
Day 41: Cleansing the Temple - Mark 11 Whip
Day 42: Jesus anointed - John 12 Perfume jar
Day 43: Judas plots - Matt. 26 Money bag
Day 44: Last supper - Luke 22 Loaf and cup
Day 45: Crucifixion - Luke 23 Cross
Day 46: Mystery Saturday - 1 Peter 3: 18-22 No ornament
Day 47: Easter - Mark 16 Empty Tomb


Amy said…
Thanks for posting this- I was intrigued and wondered what the passages were.

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