The terrible, horrible, no-good very bad day

I'm having one of those days where I wish I could fast-forward to tomorrow. First, the babies are teething and it is making them miserable. Plus, G. has a cold with a very stuffy nose and an off and on fever and I'm afraid L. is following close behind. Consequently, the only time it seems they are not fussing is when they are nursing or my arms. It doesn't make for very restful nights and I'm feeling more sleep deprived than usual. A crabby, too tired mom often results in bickering children and today is no exception. And to top it off, M. discovered one of her gerbils died this morning resulting in an (understandably) upset girl.

I had planned on finishing a pair of dresses I am making for the babies, but that is looking unlikely since, unlike typing, I can't sew one-handed. But that is probably just as well because my (very expensive) sewing machine is behaving oddly and I think I'm going to have to take it in for servicing. Oh, and the tax bill arrived in the mail yesterday and we have quite a bit of money to get together before March first. Because you know, the county doesn't care that we just paid the last installment two and a half months ago when they were late getting the bills out. But woe to the tax-payer who even thinks about paying late. The county even put a nice little note in saying the next bill would probably be late as well and we may have to pay both installments at once next year. J. continues to apply for other jobs but we have yet to feel a real sense of direction as to what we should do.

I'll stop my whining here and instead practice some thankfulness to all those who wrote so positively about M.'s upcoming mission trip. We're working on adding some sort of chip-in-thing to the side bar. But for those who asked, you can also contribute directly through the TMI donations page. In the 'categories and funds' section, choose 'team member' from the drop down menu and put 'Margaret Curry' in the comments section. Thank you!

Off to nurse the sad, sad baby(ies). Only 6 1/2 hours to go before I can go to bed.


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