1 1/4 pounds of butter later we have...

Two pans of cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and three dozen crescent rolls which are a gift for one of our nephews. (Because, you know, it just isn't a holiday if dough isn't involved.) This still leaves with just enough time tonight to bake the gingerbread layer cake which will be Jesus' birthday cake tomorrow night after dinner. The end is in sight! I have finished all my sewing and gift preparation and J. will finish the wrapping while I bake this evening. That gives me tomorrow morning to get the house ready, set the table for dinner, and fuss with people's clothes while J. runs just a couple last errands. Because if it isn't done by 2:25 when we leave for church to start to prepare for the pageant, it isn't getting done. But I think we'll be OK.

On a completely unrelated note...does anyone out there have a sewing machine that also functions as an embroidery machine? Do you use the embroidery function and wonder how you would live without it? Or, is my sneaking suspicion correct that it's a fun toy to have, but not really essential to life? I would love people's opinions!


sandwichinwi said…
That would have to be Michelle Corron from the Holt India board! (she is the mom of the Chinese/Indian triplets, as she calls them). She embroiders EVERYTHING!!!!!

Me, I know nothing about it. I can sew a straight stitch and thread the machine!

Merry Christmas!
thecurryseven said…
Thanks, Sandwich. After Christmas I'll post a question on the Holt board.
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