A bonanza of hats giveaway!

I have been obsessed with making hats recently, in a effort to find matching sun hats for G. and L. As a result, I have several different test models kicking around my house which I'm not going to be using. My excess is your gain, as I am going to give them away. How do you win? Leave a comment telling me which hat, or hats, you would like. I love reading comments, so anything else you have to say is welcome as well. You can enter up through next Tuesday (10/20), at which point I will hold a drawing to see who wins. Now, on to the hats...

L. is modelling the smallest hat, which as you can tell, is a little small on her noggin. It has a 16 1/4" circumference. It would fit a newborn and A. discovered that it also fits the Addy American Girl doll to a 'T'. We'll call this hat 'Baby Blue'.

L. now models a larger hat, with an 18" circumference. It is made from a slighter stiffer fabric and is lined, so is not quite as floppy as the others. It would fit a toddler...or a baby with a larger head than L.'s. We'll call this the 'Not-So-Floppy Hat'.

G. wanted to get in on the modelling, so she is sporting an orange leaf number with brown ribbon trim. It is the same size as the hat above. Something bizarre happened with the picture and it is just a solid ribbon; in the photo it looks as though there is something attached to the ribbon. This is P.'s favorite and she wishes it were big enough to fit her. This one is "Orange Leaves".
So, go ahead and enter for one, two, or all. I look forward to hearing from all (10) of you!


Gary said…
Hi, I'm a random person who simply clicked "next blog" and found you. So, my random preference would be "Baby Blue." I'll admit, though, the expression on L's face definitely was a deciding factor for me.
Heidi said…
So cute (the babies, but also the hats). I like the orange leaf one. But only enter me if you think it will fit a 1-year-old. We just got matched with our daughter from China yesterday, and she will be 1 by the time we get her in January.
Crystal said…
Elizabeth the hats are so cute. I want one to wear! My first preference would be the not-so-floppy hat and then orange leaves. I am serious that I would wear one!!!! Crystal
Elizabeth said…
Fun! Fun! Fun! What adorable hats!All are sweet but the 'Not So Floppy Hat' is my favorite.
Sarah G said…
Hi! I came over to your site, because I saw your link on Money Saving Mom. The "baby sun hats" instantly caught my attention since we are always looking for cute head attire for my 19 month old. :) She is such a girl, and loves having hats to parade around the house! My favorite is the "Not So Floppy Hat." Thanks!

Pippin said…
Hm... I think I like the Orange Leaves the best. Despite the fact that it's on A.L.'s baby... :)
ek and kids said…
I think I am outvoted, but we like the not so floppy hat. Our reason for liking the hat is that we love the color blue in our family. And baby #5 is on the way, although if "it" is a boy, I am not so sure he would be thrilled if we made him wear it. What we are having remains a mystery until around Christmas.
Kim Crawford
Hélène said…
I think I like the Baby Blue best and then the orange leaves.

schola.athenarum at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Hi. I came over from another (VN adpotion) family blog. I like the hats, but you don't have to enter me since my kids will leave them on for about a total of 2 seconds. I'd rather someone get them who can really get some use out of them. Just wanted to say hello!
Anonymous said…
These are so cute.

I vote for orange leaves #1 and Not So Floppy Hat #2.

You are an amazing seamstress - it is fun to see the girls as models.

Next post comments - wow that leaf of chard next to K is so funny. What a great shot.

How special to have that connection with the new pastor and have him know the meaning of M's name in Hebrew. What a special memory to take forward as we grow with this new pastor.

- Elizabeth L

p.s. I am only signing as anonymous as I am not sure how else to do it
Carol said…
Elizabeth the hats are beautiful! I love them all, I think my favorite is orange leaves, but, not so floppy is a close second. They would look so cute on our granddaughter J (same name as your G) who was born one week before them.

Maybe you should go into business in your spare time. :>)


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