What do your children do on Saturday afternoon?
Mine like to go garbage picking...riding their bikes up and down the alleys looking to see if anyone is getting rid of anything good. Our neighborhood is rather affluent, so the chances of finding something interesting are fairly high. Here is what A. and P. found and M. and B. dragged home:
Everyone is very excited because they have been wanting a basketball hoop for a while. Our backyard, inexplicably, has a large cement pad at the back of it and it will be perfect for playing. (And, yes, M. asked the owners of the house where A. and P. found it before they dragged it off.) Good thing I picked up that 25 cent basketball at a rummage sale last year.
If I remember correctly,that cement pad was a swimming pool once upon a time.....and they must have filled it in . Stumbled across your fb page and clicked on your blog to see pics of your beautiful family! Hope all is well! God bless, Melanie (Gonzalez, Julians mom from homeschooling days of yore!)