Well, it looks as though we will be having two more.....


I had my (first, of probably many) level II ultrasound today. Both babies look good...four chambers in the hearts, complete spinal columns, all the right blotches (at least that's what it looked like to me) in the brain, complete lips, and the correct number of limbs. And both the tech and the fetal specialist MD thought they were both girls. (Although we'll refrain from using gallons of pink paint anywhere. We have a nephew whom the tech was 100% sure was a girl. We were all a bit surprised when she was a he.)

But, of course, because it seems doctors as a whole are always on the lookout for pathology, I will need to go back for another level II in a month and a half or so. Both babies' kidneys had fluid in them, though still within acceptable parameters. But even so, we were told in serious tones, that it can sometimes lead to surgery after birth (although rare) and that it is a soft marker for Downs (though there were no other markers present, other than my age, of course). It seemed to me that the amniocentesis that was being suggested was far riskier, odds wise, than what was going on with the little one's kidneys. I refuse to let the medical establishment take away my joy about these two babies. We will of course pray for their continued health and development, but they are our beloved children no matter what the future holds.


LawMommy said…
Yeah! Girls!!!!
Speaking complete health into your womb and silencing the enemy from any joy-robbers that were thrown out there at you today! Your girls ARE healthy, they ARE whole, and they WILL be perfect! :)
Love ya,
Joline said…
Yeah, More girls!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the update. We'll be continuing to pray for you and all the Curry's.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I often wished for a twin sister when I was a kid - and now my daughter wishes for the same thing. Something about having a buddy, a kindred-spirit... I think it's wonderful news. And I wouldn't worry about the babies - when my sister was pregnant with twins the doctor got her all stressed worrying about Downs and then it turned out the babies were perfectly healthy. Not that Downs would be a horrible thing... I'm sure God has formed those two babies exactly to his plans and specifications and therefore they ARE perfect! :-)
Suzanne said…
Oh my goodness! When I read the title to your post, I immediately thought you were having 4 babies instead of 2. So happy to read further that you will be having 2 more girls. Congratulations!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I'm with you -- don't let the Dr.s rain on your parade.
Our Family said…
Girls rock!! (so do boys for that matter!). So happy for you. Enjoy your news and have fun thinking about names!
Ann said…
But that means I have to put my chrystal ball away! I thought I had a future! LOL! Hey, I did predict twins!
Also, I cannot tell you how many people I know who receive some scary thing about an ultrasound and it's always been okay. Our Patrick was one and like you I refused amnio--too risky and we knew the outcome wouldn't matter, he was our baby no matter what! He was born perfectly healthy!
Carol said…
Congratulations! Girls are great (yes, boys are too)! What a blessing!
Stevens Family said…
Congratulations on two more girls!! So happy to hear everything is progressing well. I wish you and the babies continued good health.

So, any name choices yet?? :)
maxhelcal said…
Oh, this is so exciting! GIRLS!!!! I can't wait to hear your name choices!

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