Two months....already?!

I know that K has been home for only two months. I mean, I was there in Vietnam when we first met him, for heaven's sake. But even now, with so little time together, I feel as though he has always been in our family. K's transition has been one of those hearts and puppies adoption stories, with everyone falling in love and everything all happy. With our two adoptions, we have experienced two absolute extremes. I'm glad I did the hard one first. I appreciate the easy one that much more. To sum it up, K is a joy.

K also continues to make huge developmental strides...his therapists are all very impressed. We call them the "play ladies". There are too many of them to try and differentiate between them when talking to the children, so if a play lady is coming, a child will ask what toys she brings to identify which one. And since I am something of a compulsive learner, especially if it is one of my favorite areas (raising children), I have found the play lady times to be fascinating. I love picking up new tips and ideas. Before I hit 'publish', I will share one with you. If any of you have children with maintaining a correct grip on crayons and pencils (or writing sticks as they are often referred to around here), one of the play ladies introduced me to crayon rocks. We are all in love with these. Essentially they are soy-based crayons in the shape of rocks. The color goes on very smoothly and because of their shape, the child has no choice but to use the correct hand position. (A tripod hold, if you want to hear some of my new jargon.) We've ordered some more, since the three crayons (rocks?) the play lady gave us have been nearly used up. They are one of those great items that are both really fun to use and good for you.

Alright, end of commercial. Time to start the day. The masses of hungry children are starting to hover closer and closer, making it increasingly difficult to think and type.


Anonymous said…
Oh those crayons sound like marvelous inventions. Where do you get them. I know my little guy will need them when he finally comes home from VN.

I love those! Thanks!!!! and praise God on the smooth transition K has made into your family... you deserve that after being "pregnant" for so long!!!
Stevens Family said…
Happy 2 month mark. I'm so glad to hear K's transition has been smooth. He's such a doll.

I'll have to check out some of those crayon rocks. Autumn loves to color (or as she says "lolor") :).
thecurryseven said…

You can order them directly from the website. I linked to it in my post (click on 'crayon rocks')

Just Mairs said…
Thanks for the link! It's therapy year in our homeschool - I think I'll get me some of those!

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