This and that, and oh yeah, some new pictures
The children (especially the boys) have been enjoying this part of the construction. The vents for the air-conditioning(!) are being cut into the ceilings of all the rooms. This means that there are many worker-men in the house and not just in the back kitchen area. The little boys (and a bigger one) have been watching all the work with great interest. Plus, D has befriended nearly all of them. He knows their names and they stop to chat with D. There are other construction benefits for the little boys: raw materials. There always seems to be quite a bit of debris that ends up on the floor. When I came home from some errands yesterday, I discovered a charming little tableaux in one of the door ways (and I forgot to take a picture). Some broken plaster had been nicely put in a pile and surrounding the pile were TM and D's two large excavator trucks. I wish I could have seen the earth-moving in process.
I so hope that the next time I post I will have some news about travel. We are at the end of 7 weeks out of a 4-8 week wait.