And now for something completely different...

This is Mr. Adventure Guy. He was a gift to TM for his birthday. Mr. Adventure Guy came equipped with two outfits, an ATV, and a bicycle. TM loves Mr. Adventure Guy very much, and wouldn't let anyone touch him for the first couple of days. But, then, after the newness wore off, I started finding Mr. Adventure Guy in unexpected places. The first time, I looked into the front hall and discovered Mr. Adventure Guy riding his ATV across the carpet, without any clothes, but, since he is a responsible adventurer, he was wearing his helmet. It became seriously amusing to me as to where he would turn up next, and I started taking pictures of him.

The next time, I found Mr. Adventure Guy, was when I was walking down the upstairs hallway. A hot tub of sorts had been thoughtfully made for him and he was relaxing after his hard day of ATV riding. Now for those of you who may wonder at the explicit photos of Mr. Adventure Guy, I want to reassure you that he is also modest. No skinny dipping for him; he sports subtle, flesh colored underwear.

Refreshed from his dip in the pool, Mr. Adventure Guy must have decided to go
Multi-cultural, because this is the charming ensemble in which I found him. Somewhere in A and P's room is a doll in need of pants. I am unclear how Mr. Adventure Guy obtained the pants and the Vietnamese hat (a non la); perhaps they were a gift.
By this time, the exploits of Mr. Adventure Guy became broadly known. At least I assume that's what happened, because the tableaux are more intricate. I am informed that Mr. Adventure Guy is trying out the role of caveman (with pet dinosaur at his side) in this photo.
I'm thinking that Mr. Adventure Guy really needs to go take a rest somewhere, as he is beginning to become a nuisance. It is difficult to open kitchen cabinets when Mr. Adventure Guy is pretending it is Mt. Everest. All I can say is that it's a good thing that we have no Barbies in the house.


Anonymous said…
It gave me a good laugh! Hope he continues to make your family smile!
Anonymous said…
Mr. A.G. looks like he's tossing you a veiled threat in Top Photo.


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