To God be the Glory, Great Things He Hath Done

My life seems to mirror the hymn I teach my choir each year.  The year we waited and waited to bring K. home it was On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.  The year I was pregnant with the twins?   Who knows, that year is a great big blank.  Last year, when I had two new darling babies it was Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.  This year we are doing the hymn in the post title and it couldn't be more true than today.

You see there is a little girl living in China whose picture I came across last month.  I wasn't really looking at lists of waiting children, especially waiting children in China.  We don't qualify because of family size and income.  But I couldn't get this little girl, who wanted  "mommy and daddy to love her and sing to her and cook her good food", out of my head.  No matter what I did, she wouldn't leave.  So J. and I decided to take the next step and when that next step was successful, we took the next one.  Which led to us submitting a Letter of Intent to China in the hopes that they would agree to let us adopt her.  That was last week.  Twenty-four hours later we had a reply.  It wasn't an outright no, but a request for more information.  I spent the day scrambling to pull together everything we needed and we resubmitted our request on Monday.

And they said yes.  We will be allowed to adopt this little girl whom we have fallen in love with.  Since I was preparing myself for a 'no', I think I'm in a bit of shock.  But I don't know why because God's hand has been all over this and He is bigger than governments. 

Since her picture has been on various advocacy sites I will share one with you.  Because you will wonder and ask... we believe she has neurofibromatosis, a genetic disease which causes the nerve endings to develop tumors.  Along with tumors, cafe au lait spots are also common, which is the darkening on her face.

So meet our newest daughter... and please keep all of us in your prayers as we walk through this process.

If you are here from Kelly's Korner, this is our third and newest adoption.  We have been in process for quite a while and hope to travel in March '12.  While we aren't fundraising per se, we also won't turn down donations and have a way to make them tax deductible for the donor.  Contact me if you are interested.  While we don't know how God is going to finance this adoption, I didn't really link here for that, but to advocate for a boy who has touched our hearts and needs a family.  If you click the link, you can meet Joseph and read his story.  For those interested, the story of our first two adoptions can be found either by going to my adoption page at the top of my blog or by choosing the adoption category.


Lucy said…
Congratulations! What a darling! And best wishes as you go through the adoption process. You will certainly be in our prayers.

How old is she?
Annette said…
Congratulations!!!! This is so exciting! Yes, God is bigger than any government. We will pray for you throughout the steps of bringing your sweet daughter home.
Anonymous said…
Wow! So excited for you all.
~Hannah (from J's work)
LawMommy said…
God is certainly bigger than any government!

Was she on Holt's WC list?

Very happy for you. How old is she?
Alyssa said…
WOW!!! I am so very glad to see that she has a family. I followed her on Annie's blog. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Anonymous said…
Congratulations! What a joy to know that God orchestrated for this little girl to be a part of your family. It always amazes me how He, "places the lonely in families".
My hubby and older kids are working at the Holt sponsorship booth at Winter Jam(concert) this Saturday. My guess is he will come home wanting to adopt again:)
Blessings to you,
Kim Crawford
Amy said…
This is AWESOME! I am now marveling at how our big God loves each of his children so much that he will make the impossible possible in order to care for them.
asian~treasures said…
Hooray & congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Her request of a mommy & daddy who will sing to her & cook good food is certainly being answered!!

: )
K said…
I am so happy that your little girl will finally have a family! I can't wait to read your blog and "get to know" you. Your lives, as you know, will be so enriched by her joyous soul. The director at CCAA must have a heart of gold because I'm seeing more and more children placed in loving families that usually wouldn't be.
Sharon said…
Congratulations!!! I am so happy "Hayden" has a mommy and daddy!!!

Collene said…
Isn't it amazing how it "all" works out and from a place that has more power than we can ever dare to image! Your daughter is beautiful and clearly you are as well!

Ann said…
Speechless! She is beautiful! I love the sparkle in her eyes--and how much brighter it will be when she gets the love of a mommy and daddy and oh the food she will get to enjoy!!!! CONGRATS MOMMY! I KNEW you had ten kids--see I guess I was right that I knew how many kids you had (when I thought you had miscounted in a post where you said you had nine :-)
sandwichinwi said…
Oh. My. Word! You lucky duck! Such a secret you've been keeping! Congratulations! I can't wait to follow this story. And Illinois is ok with this? God is SO much bigger than any govt!

Stevens Family said…
Yay!! Congratulations on your sweet little girl. Wonderful news :) I can't wait to follow along.
CindyB said…
Congrats!!!!! I'm soooo excited that Hayden has a family! She captured my heart too, and has been in my prayers! You will be blessed with her, I'm sure :-).
CindyB in MT
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I, also, have been checking out Annie's Wonderful Waiting Kids blog, praying for this little girl to be blessed with a family. I am so happy for this little girl, to finally have a family who will love her and take care of her.

Cheri said…
I am so excited Hayden's family has found her! I've been so drawn to her, but God made it clear it isn't time for us to adopt again right now.

Praying that time passes quickly and she is HOME soon!
Jane Hinrichs said…
I shall pray too. Mutual friend told me about this adoption. We saw God provide incredibly for some adoptions on our family. This is His will. He will provide and He won't be late. Jane Hinrichs
Unknown said…
Congrats!! Looking forward to following along on your journey!
Stacey said…
I'm so excited that "Hayden" finally has a home! Congratulations! I hope you don't mind if I follow your journey. I have a daughter with a birthmark and I have been looking at Hayden's picture for so long...praying and hoping for a home for her.
Anonymous said…
Wow. This is big! Congratulations. She is blessed, and you are blessed.
Kristin Mueller said…
This is truly an amazing story! I have your daughter's picture right by my desk, and will continue to pray for her and for all of you.
Unknown said…
Hey, I saw on Kelly's Korner that you were a fundraising family. I wanted to let you know of a program we are offering to fundraising families through The Sparrow Fund ( that allows them to sell items like the ones on our fundraising Etsy site ( If you are interested in learning more about it, feel free to email me and I'll send the info along!

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