To do lists

Is anyone else's to do list for Christmas going the wrong direction? I knocked out several items off my list yesterday and today, but I seem to have added more than I finished. This cannot keep up! I'm also a little bit frustrated that I cannot show you the things that I have accomplished. Since many of my children read this blog, I cannot show anything ahead of time.

Consequently, I don't really have anything to write. I usually write about what I have been doing, but can't do that. Being holed up in my studio for hours on end is not conducive to interesting blog posts. So, to spare you from endless post about nothing, such as this one, I'm writing to warn you that until that to do list gets a little more under control, blogging here may be spotty.

Looking at my recent stats, though, it seems that blog reading is becoming increasingly spotty as well, so maybe this all works for the best. But I am curious. For those who read blogs, do you read as much? Do you spend more time in other online venues? I know I read fewer blogs than I used to, but some of that is the blogs I used to read aren't kept up the same way anymore. I just wonder if reading blogs is going the way of the dinosaur. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

(Really, this is just a sneaky way to have actual content, but not content I have to write.)
Liturgy post... Streams in the Negev


papa smurf said…
i still love blogs. they may be becoming old school, but they have substance. i don't do social media, so hopeful blogs don't die LOL! they feel like loyal girlfriends :)
Anonymous said…
As a senior citizen who doesn't get out much, my hobby has been to follow blogs.
My favorite has been following Americans as they travel to China to adopt their new
little boy or girl; in some cases two of each.
My experience recently is that blogs basically don't exist anymore....I have two or three main favorites, whereas there used to be ten!
One of my favorites was "My Adoption Website" goes for months now without seeing anyone on there. Occasionally, the children are big enough now, and a new article is featured as
the parents bring the older( now) children back to China for a "historical" visit.
A few have intagrams now, but I do not know how to find them.
I love this "ordinary time" blog, as the mother writes of timely and common stages of a family's life...I enjoy her writing and appreciate it so much...I usually didn't comment, so I believe more people may follow blogs than the producers of it realize...I sign usually as anonymous, but I like the writer to know I am an elderly lady living in Vancouver, Wn. Thank you so much for continuing to brighten my life more than you know..Merry Christmas season to you all.
mary m, age 72
vancouver, wa.
Anonymous said…
I don't do social media at all, but I love blogs. (I write several blogs myself.) I'm really glad you continue to blog.

Mom to 3 kids from China, 2 with special needs
Rusulica said…
I still read my favorite blogs, yours included! Please don't stop writing (but take a break if you need, of course). Imagine all the content you will have in January, when you show us what have you been making in December :).

Maybe you can interview a kid about favorite traditions, or ask them to interview one another.
Anonymous said…
I too read your blog regularly.
I appreciate your posting every day, in part because your writing is interesting whether it be about your daily doings, or more theoretically about the way a child’s brain works to overcome trauma and how that influences your educational efforts, and in part because I am not connected to any social media other than reading blogs. Your family life is fascinating and your writing is a pleasure to read.
Thank you for your contributions to blogland. Thank you for giving me insight into your world of adoption and homeschooling and American family life.
Anonymous said…
I don't read as many blogs because many have stopped, or changed so much that I don't find them interesting anymore. I use Facebook but prefer limit that to keeping up with people I know in real life. I do enjoy reading your blog because your family differs from mine in a lot of ways and it is good to see how other people do life. Thank you for sharing!
Diana said…
I would say I read as many blogs as I did five years ago. Some blogs don't post anymore but I have found new ones as well. Some I have been reading for 10 years!
Kelly said…
I don't read as many blogs because it's hard to find any that still post regularly. I miss the blog heyday where you could have great discussions in the comments section. I'm not on Instagram or Snapchat. I don't have the time to watch YouTuber vblogs. I just want to be able to sit and read some essays or daily goings on while I drink my coffee!
Rebecca said…
I definitely still read blogs! I've been away from reading regularly for a month or so because life just took over, but I'm really enjoying catching up on what I missed. I usually read on Feedly, so I'm not sure if I show up in your stats or not.

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