Happy 15th Birthday, A.!

Today is my darling girl's 15th birthday, and true to form the weather is atrocious. We are having another snow storm and activities are being cancelled right and left. Someday we'll have to get back to Arizona so she can have nice weather on her birthday, the beginning of March just doesn't work for good weather here in the Midwest.

A. is such a great person... happy, bubbly, competent, compassionate, and just a lot of fun. I tell you, if you need your house or life organized, she's your go-to girl. She keeps me organized. (And really, if M. and A. decided to open up shop and start their own organizing business, they'd be unstoppable. Mmmm... maybe they should do that.)

We celebrated A.'s birthday on Sunday because M. could get away from school to join the celebration. Here are some pictures. You'll notice there are no pictures of present opening. That's because there were no presents to open. Before you feel too sorry for her, she had already received her gift from her grandparents in the form of riding boot and riding lessons and she and I are going to do some clothes shopping together in the near future.

Now, this is my great slacker-mom moment. You'll notice that the candles say '16', but A. is only turning 15. that's because I wasn't thinking about candles and this is what we were able to dig out of the cupboard. For a while P. was holding them so it said '61'. No doubt this picture will confuse me (and whoever is looking at it) because we will think it was really A.'s 16th birthday. I apologize to all future family historians.

And we had to hold the candles because A. wanted root beer floats for her birthday dessert and it is rather difficult to stick a candle in a root beer float.

A. also wanted her good friend join us (H. of the H-S family) in case you were wondering who the young lady was you didn't recognize.



Happy Birthday, A.! I love you very much!


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