Easter 2012

Scenes from our Easter celebration.

We dyed eggs with the P family and H-S family. (That would be 15 children... young and old present.)

Ready for Easter morning.

We celebrated Easter morning.

L. (on left) and G.  G. isn't really taller than L. is, she is just standing a bit closer to the camera creating an odd optical illusion. Dresses are compliments of Grammy.  Aren't they adorable? (I hesitated to take them down front for the children's message in church because sometimes I think they can be a bit of a distraction to the congregation.)

We hunted eggs.

We went to church.  Since the weather was so nice, we could even walk. And then we went to J.'s sister's home where we had Easter dinner and celebrated with family.

He is risen!  Alleluia!


sandwichinwi said…
I love that the big girls are wearing their Chinese dresses. I assume that's what they are. Looks like a very blessed Easter!

thecurryseven said…
Good eyes, Sandwich! That is what they are wearing. I was amazed that the dresses I bought fit everyone... though I did have to take M.'s in a little bit. Evidently in China, if you are tall, you must also be wide.

Lucy said…
We dyed Easter eggs one year, I do want to try it again next year...but, what do you do with all those eggs? I assume they are hard boiled, or are you dying them raw? Then what? Do you eat them, find some pigs to feed them to? :-)
thecurryseven said…
As much as B. would love to have a pig to feed them to, we just eat them. We boiled 8 dozen this year and I anticipate they will all be eaten within 2 weeks if not sooner. I have children who love eggs. They will eat them for breakfast, as egg salad for lunch, as a quick protein snack (because we're all about the protein here). So by the time you multiply that by the number of people in our family, it doesn't take long to go through them. Oh, and M. took some back to school with her.

Lucy said…
Would you share your egg salad recipe? I haven't found one my kids will eat, and they like eggs...
sandwichinwi said…
See. You should come visit us. You can play with our pigs. Wisconsin is not so bad (or so far!) I think a farm field trip is in your future.

Baby chicks, anyone???? ;D

thecurryseven said…
We would love to come and visit you (and all your animals!). Let's talk via email and with our calendars in hand and decide who is going where first.

And Lucy, I'll get the recipe (such as it is) written out soon.


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