Prayer requests for H. and her adoption

We are in the midst of great stacks of paperwork to get through our home study and as we anticipate adding H. to our family, I would like to invite you to join us in praying for this venture.  On one level it seems the easiest thing to do... love and care for another child, but it is also a significant undertaking, one we don't take lightly.  So here's our list,  please pray as you feel led.
  1. For H.  That her heart would be prepared for the huge transition she will undergo.  We also are praying for her complete healing.  God can do this if He chooses and we hope for this wonderful miracle for her.  She is also in constant pain from the tumor(s) in her face, we ask for relief from the pain for her.
  2. That all of the different levels of clearances and approvals that need to be worked through go quickly.  I have heard some really horrifying times for some of these and if each step takes the longest time, it could be closer to 18 months before we could hope to travel.  At this point, it would be no small miracle if we could travel in 2011.  But, as my mother keeps pointing out to me, God is bigger than government agencies.  Please help us storm the gates of heaven pleading that approvals and clearances come quickly.
  3. For me.  I am not new to adoption.  I know the amount of bureaucracy and intrusiveness that is involved in the process.  But this time I am coping far less well than the past two times.  I find myself becoming angry at the process and level of questioning involved and there are many days when I truly doubt this will all happen.  I really am feeling as though I am oppressed and I can't escape from the feeling.  Please pray that I am able to rest and trust in God and that I am able to truly cast my burdens onto Him. 
Thank you for your prayers.  I wouldn't mind if you left a quick comment telling us that you are joining with us to bring H. home.  There are some days I feel so alone in this.

Edited to add one more thing.  You could also pray that we scrape together the money we need for all the fees and travel expenses... we certainly don't have it laying about.  But, for some reason this is the one thing I"m not feeling overly concerned about.  Either I am truly convinced it will all work out, or I just can't stress over one more thing and this was at the bottom of the list.


Valorie Leonard said…
Praying for your family. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and he just has to sell a few to take care of the expenses. And miraculously, he can move government officials along too!
LawMommy said…
I will keep you and H in my prayers.
Unknown said…
Praying for your family and sweet H. I am so glad she has a family coming for her. I understand feeling alone. There are so many people adopting older children with special needs from China around our country but none in my area. I feel less lonely when I read blogs of other families like yours. I was able to expedite our I-800A process by about three weeks and I would be happy to share what worked for us if you send me an email. Our process will be about 11 months from start to finish it looks like but we had to backtrack and do stuff over when we decided to adopt our second son when we already had LOA for the first. I will pray that your process can go much quicker and it is very likely that it will.
Amy said…
I didn't realize my husband was signed in on the last comment with his account with the silly name when I hit publish.
Anonymous said…
I'm so happy for your new daughter. she really is a gem! We've seen her on several advocacy blogs. You might try sending a photo of H with your paperwork that says, "Please help me come home soon!" or something like that. I've heard that that can help. We'll be praying

Ann said…
Praying here--and as I already suggested, a picture can be worth a thousand words, just like the previous commenter suggested :-) Lifting you up in prayer today--sounds like the enemy has been hard at work, as you know, he hates adoption, especially when he thought the child wouldn't be adopted.
Amy said…
We will be praying- especially for that homestudy...UGH.
Molly Belle said…
Praying here too.
Unknown said…
I will definitely be praying! I love you!
sandwichinwi said…
We are praying for and with you! Hurry home, H!

asian~treasures said…
We, too, are praying!! I know first hand (based on our lost referral & then HoneyGirl's referral less than a month later) that God is bigger than any government...ours or other countries!
Robin said…
I am praying!!
LJS said…
Your daughter is blessed to have your family caring for her, praying for her and loving her. I send my prayers too.
Anonymous said…
Praying for H, for the process, for your family, but mostly for you so that you can find the peace that will help you make it through. Sometimes it is just hard to relax into His care, even when we know that is the best thing to do.
Patti (from J's office)
Anonymous said…
I just printed off your prayer requests. We will pray over them during our family worship times.
I agree with those above. We have an enemy who does not want these precious children to ever hear, let alone be part of a family, that knows, loves, and serves Jesus.
As we prayed with our son, I will pray specifically that H. will be released to join your family.
Blessings and prayers,
Kim Crawford
Anonymous said…
You're not alone. Keeping you and this whole process in prayer! Remember that God is not surprised and does not "react" to any setbacks or delays.
Isaiah 43:1-5 is always a great reminder of our worth in God's eyes.
Kristin Mueller said…
You are in my prayers!

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