Looking for large families in IL

The madness has to stop! I have been in contact with several other women and we want to see what we can do to change how Illinois approves large families to adopt. We are looking for two things right now. The first is anyone who would like to join us and the second is we need stories. If you have a large family and have been adversely affected by IL's way of doing things, please share your story. You can email me at thecurryseven at sbcglobal dot net



Henry Cate said…
We're out West and don't know anything about adoption in Illinois, but one area you might want to check into: doing foster care.

Our county is hungry for families willing to do foster care. We've been doing it for ten months. We've had a baby boy for nine months and it looks like his parents are not going to step up to being parents. We may end adopting him.

Good luck.
Henry Cate said…
Oh, one more thought, there are a number of things which are a bit crazy in the Foster Care System. I often think of The Ambulance in The Valley.

Currently the Foster Care system in the United States is really an ambulance in the valley. I don't know what the fence would be.
thecurryseven said…
Actually, foster care is the crux of IL large family's problems. It takes an act of God (it seems) to qualify for an expanded capacity foster care license (more than 6 children in the home). And in many complicated ways that translates itself to adoption approvals as well. It would seem that the state of IL prefers large families to look out of the country in order to build their families.
Henry Cate said…
Thanks for the explanation. Sorry to hear that it is such a hassle.

The father of a large family once said that he and his wife wanted to have a lot of children because they figured not all the children in the world should be raised by beginners.

Good luck.
Mama in Uganda said…
Move to Uganda! Hahaha, very unlikely indeed. We are a family of six, soon to be seven, and love it! We praise our Father for allowing us to be able to love and minister to so many children.

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