This is not what you want to see on Sunday morning....

Yes, it is a raccoon, and yes, it is inside our house and not just inside the walls. We had optimistically thought we were done with the raccoon invasion. But the evidence would seem to indicate otherwise. I think we need to call a roofer to patch the remaining holes. They are so far up the exterior walls that J can't reach them, even with our tallest ladder.

So, back to the raccoon saga...there was an hour long stand-off between J and the raccoon, which involved a lot of staring at one another, except for the brief moment of excitement when J tried to put the trap over the top of the invader. J muttered something that included the word, "vicious" when describing the incident. Eventually, the raccoon climbed down off the radiator and chose to go out of the open window as opposed to the open trap. J was very disappointed, that the raccoon chose the window that is, not that the raccoon left. And, it was a filthy thing. I still have to clean the paw prints (and fur!) that is left on the wall.


OH NO! Praying for NO MORE!!!!
thecurryseven said…
I (J, dh to E) would like to point out that as the raccoon turned his back on me to go out the window, I was able to give him a mighty whack on the posterior with the two-foot-long wooden building block with which I had armed myself. The whack sent him sailing out the window, though he managed to race off after hitting the ground, darn him.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, that would have scared me out of my wits!!!!!!!!! And here I complain about a rogue cockroach! haha. Hope that's the end of them!
Anonymous said…
Raccoons are scary because they can harbor rabies. They can have it many months before symptoms show up.
thecurryseven said…
Yep...that's why we decided not to make him a pet. :-)
Stevens Family said…
Well, that must have been exciting. Glad he got the boot out the door. Also glad you got pics first too ;)

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