Normal, everyday chaos

Life is starting to get back to normal. K. continues to stay healthy and his skin is healing nicely from his self-inflicted wounds. My family (both my parents, my brother, his wife and three daughters) came for the 4th of July and we sent the last group home yesterday. I have finished moving into the newly remodelled part of the house and can begin to think about some longer term projects. We've made it to the beach and to the park. We're starting to get back into a routine and it's lovely.

I'm not sure I quite fully realized the amount of anxiety I had been living with between January and May. The wait for K had become excruciating, and when coupled with major remodelling and spending half my time in the basement....well, let's just say I wasn't at the top of my form. It felt remarkably like the last month of pregnancy, except I wasn't the size of a house and it lasted for 5 months. It was the feeling of being completely overwhelmed with the smallest thing. Things I normally enjoyed doing, such as baking pies, were too much to contemplate. I just didn't have an ounce of emotional energy left-over. But, having K home, I find myself feeling the same type of blissful happiness as I experienced after giving birth. No longer being pregnant and having an adorable baby to boot was somewhat euphoric. And K is an adorable little boy. He brings such joy to our family with his eagerness to make people laugh and his willingness to snuggle close to all of us. He is oh so worth every ounce of anxiety, frustration, anger, and sadness that we felt waiting for him.

In other news, K had a hearing test done today to make sure that his language delays are not hearing related. I am happy to report that he passed with flying colors and hears normally. He has also added three words to his vocabulary: 'Dada', 'Mama', and 'up'. We think he might also say B's name sometimes as well.

I may still not have a camera (I know which I'm getting, I just have to order way am I paying our local sales tax, it's robbery!), but I do have a new sewing machine and serger. These are my birthday presents from my incredibly generous parents. The sewing machine is a significant step up from what I had and I'm wondering if I'm a good enough seamstress to warrant it. M has inherited my old machine which she is thrilled about and A now has ownership of a small, basic machine that M used to have. I see sewing mania setting in here for the next few weeks. My only worry is that some little boys I know think that the serger is so cool that it may be more temptation than they can handle not to touch it. I'm going to keep my eye on them for a while.

I am so happy to be back to ordinary life. Life is not always calm and predictable, but the moments when it is can be so refreshing and renewing if we don't spend them looking for the next exciting thing or worrying about the next trouble. I am particularly bad about this, but my goal for the immediate future is to enjoy the peace and enjoy my children.


Stevens Family said…
It's so great to be over the worry and waiting for our little ones. It's such a wonderful feeling to get on with life and enjoying our new little ones. Glad to hear life is back to it's blissful business.
Anonymous said…
J told me about the sewing machine and serger. I am just a tad jealous but glad you have them. I'm sure they'll get some great use. ~Hannah B.

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