I love you, Mommy

These are sweet, sweet words to hear on any occasion, but in some cases they are downright remarkable. I have written before in this blog about the rough transition that TM had in joining our family, and if I am honest, the rough transition I had in becoming his mother. Since he came home in July of '06, we have seen steady progress in his ability to attach to us and in his general comfort level. But the past four months have been remarkable. TM shows a level of comfort and relaxation that we have never seen. He is also learning to practice self-control (not touching/breaking things, telling the truth, not talking all the time) that I wasn't sure was possible a year ago. But I realized several months ago that he had never told me he loves me. I tell him I love him all the time, and my other children (especially D) are often coming up to me and telling me they love me. I would never force or even suggest to TM that it was something he should say, but I noted its absence. Yesterday, while I was dozing on the couch, trying to convince myself that I really was getting well (having been sick since last Friday), TM comes up to me and without any notice says, "Mommy, I love you." Talk about the best medicine! It has been a difficult road to get to this point, but I wouldn't trade any of it. The difficulty of the struggle makes the success that much sweeter.


Anonymous said…
awww... perfect timing TM! Zeeb was a little slow in saying it too, but now he says it so often it has lost some of it's specialness. (he uses it kind of as a way to hold my attention. Mommy? I love you. Mama? I love you. ... over and over, all. day. long. I shouldn't complain, but it does get a tad annoying...)
Anonymous said…
Even though Addy was tiny, it has been slow coming for us too. I have a post in the works about it. When you have had to really work for it, it is all the more special I think. It is music to my ears!
LawMommy said…
As you know, I had a rough transition to being Lana's mother, too. I have always appreciated your honesty in talking about it - and I'm so glad to hear he told you those three little words that mean so much - it's a long road, but, (knock on wood) the road does seem to be getting so much smoother with time and trust.

darci said…
wow, i don't even know you and this brought me to tears. what a beautiful moment. darci
Stevens Family said…
Oh how sweet. I'm so glad he's progressing so steadily.

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