In case you missed these

There have been some really good articles recently about children and trauma. If you have a child who has experienced trauma, or knows a friend whose child has, or work with a child from trauma, you should read these.

The Repair of Early Trauma: A "Bottom Up" Approach - This article references Bessel van der Kolk, one of my new favorite brain guys.

3 Reasons Traditional Parenting Doesn't Work with Kids from Trauma - This is another blog whose author is also saying the same things I have been saying for a long time.

Childhood Trauma Leads to Lifelong Chronic Illness - From the Aces too High folks

And finally, for those of you involved in public or private schools...
TBRI Classrooms - There are some great resources linked in this one.
And in a change of subject, to a degree that will induce whiplash, let's visit vegetables for a moment.

Our tally so far:

Avacado - 1
Beans (navy) - 1
Cucumber - 1
Edamame - 1
Escarole - 1
Lettuce (romaine) - 1
Onion - 2
Spinach - 1
Tomato (cherry) - 1
zucchini - 1

Last night we had fish baked in foil packets. It's a French recipe (you're supposed to use parchment paper, but foil is just easier to fold up), and is one of my favorite ways to cook fish (when I have just basic white fish fillets.) You tear off a some foil, lay a couple of fish fillets in the center, add some vegetables of your choice, some herbs, and some olive oil, close it up, and bake it in the oven at 350 until done. We start checking it at around 12 minutes or so.


Donna said…
With cooking losers like me you can't just say "some herbs." What herbs and how much? And it really doesn't matter because until we have an apartment we don't have our cooking stuff and, therefore, no herbs even if I knew which ones to use. ;)
Kristin Mueller said…
I read one of the articles - thank you for sharing! - now I'm thinking... What does it look like to engage children from trauma in a large-group setting when the child is not yours, but the child is not participating or is doing the opposite of what you've asked them to do? What's the best way to involve children who may appear to be "acting out?" I'd love a way to draw them back in to the group, while signaling to all children that this group is a safe place to be and we respect each other and love each other. I'm checking out some of the books referenced, but I'd love to hear your thoughts as well! :)

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